In 1999, I established a special workshop,  the "Melbourne Multidisciplinary Risk Research Roundtable" (2M3R). The next meeting will take place in April 2009.

> To bring together researchers and practitioners interested in the "psychology of risk", societal risk problems and conceptual issues.
> To link topics of risk perception, risk evaluation, risk communication and risk management.
> To discuss risk issues in an interdisciplinary context, incl. psychology, social sciences, medicine, law, policy research, administration.
> To gain knowledge which is useful for effective hazard information and disaster preparedness of residents.

Type of workshop:
> Group discussion of circa 3 core topics, stimulated by an overview as introduction and brief statements by respective experts.
> Small number of participants.
> Preparation of a summary statement for each workshop topic at the end.

Possible participants:
> Researchers, administrators and business managers dealing with social science aspects of risk perception, risk evaluation, risk communication and risk management.
> Graduate students conducting research related to risk issues.

Discussion topics:
> The first 2M3R had the following agenda: [A] How should we define the concept "risk"?; [B] Do people have a stable attitude towards risk-taking; and [C] Which factors/conditions enhance safety motivation? In 2003, the topics were: [A]  Effective risk communication: prerequisites & barriers; [B]  The role of visual elements in hazard information & education; [C]  The potential of Internet-based information approaches.
The 2M3R workshop in 2004 focussed on "The potential of the internet for enhancing bushfire preparedness" - a complex matter which got new sincerity during the recent fire disaster in Victoria.
In the upcoming 2M3R, 2009, an unusual issue will be dealt with: "Is loud music in public venues (such as pubs, cafes, restaurants, gyms) a physiological and/or a socio-psychological hazard which puts people at risk?"  Click 2M3R-2009 for detailed information.
Further suggestions by future participants are most welcome.

Convener/organizer & Venue:
> Bernd Rohrmann at the University of Melbourne, Department of Psychology.

Duration :
> About 1.5 days, usually in April (e.g., from Friday morning to Saturday lunch).
Please note that a lot of (non-academic) events are happening in "Marvelous Melbourne" at this time, in particular the terrific Melbourne Comedy Festival!

Financial matters:
> There will be no participation fee. Travel a/o accommodation support is not available.
> Lunch, morning & afternoon tea will be provided.

=>>  If you are interested in participating in the next "2M3R" workshop, please contact me.

Associate professor Bernd ROHRMANN
Dept. of Psychology, University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010, AUSTRALIA
Phone +61 3 83446349,  Fax  93476618,  E-Mail  mail {at}

BR 30-03-09