::    Rohrmann, B.   Selected publications re:   SCALES &QUESTIONNAIRES   :: 

Note:  For some texts reprints are available - click acronym given in {} to download them!

ROHRMANN, B. (2015). Designing verbalized rating scales: Sociolinguistic concepts and psychometric findings from three cross-cultural projects. Reports, Roman Research Road, Melbourne.
{reprint: vqs-projects.pdf}

AU, W., ROHRMANN, B., AU, W. & TAYLOR, P., HO, J.M.,YEUNG, S. (2011). Developing equivalent Chinese and English scale point labels for rating scales used in survey research. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 14, 91-111.

ROHRMANN, B. (2009). Virtual environment presentations: Questionnaires to be used in the 'VEQ' experiments - Project memo. Dept. of Psychology, University of Melbourne, Australia.
This text is available on request; contact the author.

ROHRMANN, B., AU, W. & TAYLOR, P. (2008). Investigating Chinese and English scale point labels for verbalized rating scales in survey research. Project Report, University of Melbourne/Australia.
{reprint: vqh-report.pdf}

ROHRMANN, B. (2008). Risk attitude questionnaires: Information about crafted instruments. Research Report 'RAS', Dept. of Psychology, University of Melbourne, Australia.
{reprint: ras-report.pdf}

ROHRMANN B. (2007). Verbal qualifiers for rating scales: Sociolinguistic considerations and psychometric data. Project Report, University of Melbourne/Australia.
{reprint: vqs-report.pdf}

ROHRMANN, B. (2005). Measuring risk attitudes: Information about the developed four questionnaires. Project memo. Dept. of Psychology, University of Melbourne, Australia.
This memo is available on request; contact the author.

ROHRMANN, B. (2004). Brief information about the Hazard Evaluation Questionnaire HEQ. Melbourne.
This text is available on request; contact the author.

ROHRMANN, B. (2003). Psychometric aspects for designing fully-standardized and semi-standardized questionnnaires for interviewer studies and mail surveys. Information booklet for the Graduate Research Methods Course; Dept of Psychology, University of Melbourne.

ROHRMANN, B. (1999). Risk perception research - Review and documentation; Research Center Juelich: RC Studies #68.

ROHRMANN, B. (1998). The use of verbal scale point labels in annoyance scales. In: Carter, N. (Ed.), Noise as a public health problem, Sydney: Noise Effects. '98, 523-527.

ROHRMANN, B. (1995). The Course Evaluation Questionnaire (CEQ) for students' appraisals of lectures or seminars - Updated version in English. Dept of Psychology, University of Melbourne.
This is available on request; contact the author.

ROHRMANN, B. (1991). The EQS Questionnaire on Decision Making  (WOLFRAM 1982) - English version. Dept. of Psychology, Univ. of Melbourne, June 1991.

ROHRMANN, B. (1985). Ein Beurteilungsbogen fuer Lehrveranstaltungen (BLV) - Konzeption und erste Erfahrungen; Arbeitsbericht, Psychologisches Institut Universitaet Muenster.
<Questionnaire for the appraisal of lectures>

ROHRMANN, B. (1983). Analyse von Befragungsausfaellen in Feldforschungsprojekten; Bericht aus dem SFB 24, Universitaet Mannheim.

ROHRMANN, B. (1983). Kategorial-Skalierung versus Magnitude-Skalierung Einige empirische Befunde; Bericht aus dem SFB  24, Universitaet Mannheim.

ROHRMANN, B., & MAAG, G. (1982). The practicability of categorial and magnitude scaling in questionnaires for field research; Contribution to the "Interdisciplinary Research Colloquium on Personality Questionnaires" (Bielefeld University, June '82).

ROHRMANN, B. (1981). Was ist erheblich?Psychometrie eines Begriffs der  Rechtssprache; Beitrag zur 23. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (Berlin, April '81).

ROHRMANN, B. (1978). Empirische Studien zur Entwicklung von Antwortskalen fuer die sozial-wissenschaftliche Forschung; Zeitschrift fuer Sozialpsychologie, 9, 222-245.
<Empirical studies of rating scales for social science research>

ROHRMANN, B. (1978). Statistische Untersuchungen syntaktischer Textcharakteristika; Deutsche Sprache, 2, 110-142.
<Statistical analyses of syntactic text characteristics>

GUSKI, R., WICHMANN,  U., ROHRMANN, B., & FINKE, H. O. (1978). Konstruktion eines Fragebogens zur sozialwissenschaftlichen Untersuchung der Auswirkungen von  Umweltlaerm; Zeitschrift fuer Sozialpsychologie, 9, 50-65.
<Construction and application of a questionnaire on the impacts of noise>

ROHRMANN, B. (1977). Ein Ansatz zur fortlaufenden Skalierung der subjektiven Bewertung von Umweltgeraeuschen. In: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, PTB-Jahresbericht (pp. 170-171). Braunschweig.

ROHRMANN, B. (1975). Psychometrische Experimente zu syntaktischen Textkategorien; Berichte aus dem Sonderforschungsbereich 24, Sozial- und wirtschaftspsychologische Entscheidungsforschung, Universitaet Mannheim.

Doc PubSQ  24-12-11     => for full publication list (1984-2010)   e-mail  mail { at } rohrmannspace.net